"Disclaimer; W.I.P. - WORK IN PROGRESS!!!"
No, these are NOT the "Before" Photo's! They were WAY to bad to share on the internet! :o
I still have a way to go's, but if you have actually seen my laundry before, I think you will notice the improvement!
I Still have some jobs to do;
New lace curtains for window (Gah, trip to spotlight that will take hours for me to figure out what lace to actually get besides the all important hemming tape.)
Attach Frame I made/decorated to actual wall.
Get my basket back from Sophie that went on the freezer.
Get a pantry/white laminate double cupboard to use as an extra linen cupboard.

The things on the shelf i bought from OP shops for $1 and $3, except for the laundry bin for washing powder, that was from cheap as chips for $12. The frame i already had, i just put some pretty scrapbook paper inside. I was rather proud.

This corner is still pretty feral, maybe the cupboard will help??

Don't pretend you don't have a clean washing pile like this one! (OK, and ironing pile and folded clothes to be put away pile..) Well, some people do, and I reckon the minority are the one's who don't. So nerrrh. In my defence, despite being quite lazy, I also filled up the actual linen cupboard with toys and boardgames...Sooo I desperately need to get another cupboard and purge the excess linen we don't even use.
Then it will look better yet again. GRIN.
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